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Secrets Manager

You can use pydantic-settings-aws to create your settings with data located in AWS Secrets Manager.

Secrets Manager content

The content of the Secrets Manager must be a valid JSON.

SettingsConfigDict options

There is only one required setting that you must especify: secrets_name.

Settings for boto3 client usage

Option Required? Description
secrets_client optional An existing boto3 client for Secrets Manager if you already have one
aws_region optional The region your Secrets Manager lives. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_profile optional An existing aws configured profile. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_access_key_id optional A valid Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_secret_access_key optional A valid Secret Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_session_token optional A valid Session Token. Used only if you don't inform a client

Settings for Secrets Manager

Option Required? Description
secrets_name required The name of your Secrets Manager
secrets_version optional The version of your secret
secrets_stage optional The stage of your secret