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Parameter Store

You can use pydantic-settings-aws to create your settings with data located in Systems Manager: Parameter Store.

Parameter Store content

The content of the the parameter store must be a string.

SettingsConfigDict options

There is no required setting that you must especify.

Settings for boto3 client usage

Option Required? Description
ssm_client optional An existing boto3 client for Parameter Store if you already have one
aws_region optional The region your Parameter Store lives. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_profile optional An existing aws configured profile. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_access_key_id optional A valid Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_secret_access_key optional A valid Secret Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_session_token optional A valid Session Token. Used only if you don't inform a client

Configure your Parameter Store with Annotated

You can declare your settings without any annotated field. In case you this, pydantic-settings-aws will look for a parater store with the same name as your field.

Specify the name of the parameter

In case all your parameters are in the same AWS account and region, you can just annotate you field with a string:

class MongoDBSettings(ParameterStoreBaseSettings):
    model_config = SettingsConfigDict(

    server_host: Annotated[str, "/databases/mongodb/host"]

Multiple regions and accounts

If you need to work with multiple accounts and/or regions, you can create a client for each account:

class MongoDBSettings(ParameterStoreBaseSettings):

    prod_host: Annotated[str, {"ssm": "/prod/databases/mongodb/host", "ssm_client": prod_client}]
    release_host: Annotated[str, {"ssm": "/release/databases/mongodb/host", "ssm_client": release_client}]
    development_host: Annotated[str, {"ssm": "/development/databases/mongodb/host", "ssm_client": development_client}]