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You can use pydantic-settings-aws to create your settings with data located both in Parameter Store and Secrets Manager.

SettingsConfigDict options

You need to inform at least the Secrets Manager name, if you are using it as a data source.

Parameter Store Settings

If you are not using secrets manager as a data source, check ParameterStoreBaseSettings.

Settings for boto3 client usage

Option Required? Description
ssm_client optional An existing boto3 client for Parameter Store if you already have one
secrets_client optional An existing boto3 client for Secrets Manager if you already have one
aws_region optional The region your Parameter Store lives. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_profile optional An existing aws configured profile. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_access_key_id optional A valid Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_secret_access_key optional A valid Secret Access Key Id. Used only if you don't inform a client
aws_session_token optional A valid Session Token. Used only if you don't inform a client

Define which service you field is using with Annotated

When you are using AWSBaseSettings you need to add at least a dict with the AWS service you are using.

class MongoDBSettings(AWSBaseSettings):
    model_config = SettingsConfigDict(

    username: Annotated[str, {"service": "secrets"}]
    password: Annotated[str, {"service": "secrets"}]
    server_host: Annotated[str, {"service": "ssm", "ssm": "/databases/mongodb/host"}]
    server_port: Annotated[str, {"service": "ssm", "ssm": "/databases/mongodb/port"}]

Single Secrets, multiple parameter store

At the moment you can only have one Secrets Manager source, but multiple parameter store.

class MongoDBSettings(AWSBaseSettings):
    model_config = SettingsConfigDict(

    username: Annotated[str, {"service": "secrets"}] # will use SettingsConfigDict
    password: Annotated[str, {"service": "secrets"}] # will use SettingsConfigDict
    host: Annotated[str, {"ssm": "/dev/virginia/databases/mongodb/host", "ssm_client": dev_virginia_client}] # will use dev_virginia_client
    port: Annotated[str, {"ssm": "/dev/saopaulo/databases/mongodb/host", "ssm_client": dev_saopaulo_client}] # will use dev_saopaulo_client

Settings Order

First, AWSBaseSettings will try to load your data from either Parameter Store or Secrets Manager.

If it can't find a value, AWSBaseSettings will still try to get your information from Environment, dotenv files and secret files.

  • AWS SSM and Secrets Manager
  • Environment variables
  • dotenv files
  • secret files